Interface DAgentContext

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DAgentContext

Represents the agent environment of the current program, if an agent is running it.

Kurt Riede

Method Summary
 DAgent getCurrentAgent()
          The agent that's currently running.
 DDatabase getCurrentDatabase()
          The database in which the current agent resides.
 DDocument getDocumentContext()
          The in-memory document when an agent starts.
 java.lang.String getEffectiveUserName()
          The user name that is in effect for the current agent.
 int getLastExitStatus()
          The exit status code returned by the Agent Manager the last time the current agent ran.
 java.util.Calendar getLastRun()
          The date and time when the current agent was last executed.
 DDocument getSavedData()
          A document that an agent uses to store information between invocations.
 java.util.Iterator getUnprocessedDocuments()
          The documents in a database that the current agent considers to be unprocessed.
 java.util.Iterator unprocessedFTSearch(java.lang.String query, int maxDocs)
          Performs a full-text search within the unprocessed documents.
 java.util.Iterator unprocessedFTSearch(java.lang.String query, int maxDocs, int sortOpt, int otherOpt)
          Performs a full-text search within the unprocessed documents.
 java.util.Iterator unprocessedSearch(java.lang.String query, java.util.Calendar dateTime, int maxDocs)
          Searches for unprocessed documents which were created or modified since the cutoff date.
 void updateProcessedDoc(DDocument document)
          Marks a given document as processed.

Method Detail


void updateProcessedDoc(DDocument document)
Marks a given document as processed.

document - a document


java.util.Iterator unprocessedFTSearch(java.lang.String query,
                                       int maxDocs)
Performs a full-text search within the unprocessed documents.

query - The full-text query
maxDocs - The maximum number of documents you want returned; 0 means all matching documents
An interator of documents that are not yet processed and match the query


java.util.Iterator unprocessedFTSearch(java.lang.String query,
                                       int maxDocs,
                                       int sortOpt,
                                       int otherOpt)
Performs a full-text search within the unprocessed documents.
Use one of the following to specify a sorting option:
  • Database.FT_SCORES (default) sorts by relevance score with highest relevance first.
  • Database.FT_DATECREATED_DES sorts by document creation date in descending order.
  • Database.FT_DATECREATED_ASC sorts by document creation date in ascending order.
  • Database.FT_DATE_DES sorts by document date in descending order.
  • Database.FT_DATE_ASC sorts by document date in ascending order.
Use the following constants to specify additional search options. To specify more than one option, use a logical OR operation:
  • Database.FT_DATABASE includes Lotus Domino databases in the search scope.
  • Database.FT_FILESYSTEM includes files other than Lotus Domino databases in the search scope.
  • Database.FT_FUZZY specifies a fuzzy search.
  • Database.FT_STEMS uses stem words as the basis of the search.

query - The full-text query
maxDocs - The maximum number of documents you want returned; 0 means all matching documents
sortOpt - sorting options
otherOpt - other options
An iterator of documents that are not yet processed and match the query


java.util.Iterator unprocessedSearch(java.lang.String query,
                                     java.util.Calendar dateTime,
                                     int maxDocs)
Searches for unprocessed documents which were created or modified since the cutoff date. The resulting collection is sorted by relevance with highest relevance first.

query - A Lotus Domino formula that defines the selection criteria
dateTime - A cutoff date
maxDocs - The maximum number of documents you want returned; 0 means all matching documents
An iteratorof documents that are not yet processed, match the selection criteria, and were created or modified after the cutoff date.


java.lang.String getEffectiveUserName()
The user name that is in effect for the current agent. In general, getEffectiveUserName and DSession.getUserName()return the same value for a given program. The exceptions are agents that run on a server, where getEffectiveUserName is the name of the script's owner and getUserName is the name of the server on which the script is running. If the user name is hierarchical, this property returns the fully distinguished name.

effective user name


DAgent getCurrentAgent()
The agent that's currently running.

current agent


DDatabase getCurrentDatabase()
The database in which the current agent resides.

current database


DDocument getDocumentContext()
The in-memory document when an agent starts. Usage
For an agent activated in a view through the Notes client UI, the in-memory document is the document highlighted in the view. For an agent run from a browser with the OpenAgent URL command, the in-memory document is a new document containing an item for each CGI (Common Gateway Interface) variable supported by Lotus Domino. Each item has the name and current value of a supported CGI variable. (No design work on your part is needed; the CGI variables are available automatically.) For an agent run from a browser with Command([RunAgent]) or Command[ToolsRunMacro], the in-memory document is the current document. In the case of WebQueryOpen, this is the document before Lotus Domino converts it to HTML and sends it to the browser; in the case of WebQuerySave, this is the document before Lotus Domino saves it. If the form on which the document is based contains a field named the same as a Lotus Domino-supported CGI variable, the in-memory document also contains the value of that variable. (You must explicitly design the CGI variables into the form, for example, as hidden fields.). You cannot use the encrypt and remove methods on the Document object returned by getDocumentContext, nor use the compact method on the Database object that contains the Document object returned by getDocumentContext.

The in-memory document when an agent starts.


int getLastExitStatus()
The exit status code returned by the Agent Manager the last time the current agent ran.

last exit status


java.util.Calendar getLastRun()
The date and time when the current agent was last executed.

date and time of last run


DDocument getSavedData()
A document that an agent uses to store information between invocations. The agent can use the information in this document the next time the agent runs.

SavedData document


java.util.Iterator getUnprocessedDocuments()
The documents in a database that the current agent considers to be unprocessed. The type of agent determines which documents are considered unprocessed.

iterator of unprocessed documents

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