Package de.bea.domingo.proxy

Proxy implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo.


Interface Summary
NotesRecycler Interface of recyclers of notes objects.

Class Summary
AgentContextProxy Represents the agent environment of the current program, if an agent is running it.
AgentProxy Represents a notes agent.
BaseCollectionProxy Abstract base class for all implementations of interfaces derived from DBase.
BaseDocumentProxy Represents a document in a database.
BaseItemProxy This class represents the Domino-Class Item.
BaseProxy Abstract base class for all implementations of interfaces derived from DBase.
BaseProxy.DocumentCollectionIterator Iterator for collections of documents.
DatabaseProxy Represents a Notes database.
DNotesThread The NotesThread class extends java.lang.Thread to include special initialization and termination code for Domino.
DocumentCollectionProxy Represents the Domino-Class DocumentCollection.
DocumentProxy Represents a document in a database.
DxlExporterProxy Represents a view entry.
EmbeddedObjectProxy This class represents the Domino-Class EmbeddedObject.
FormProxy A notes Form.
InternationalProxy Proxy to the Notes international settings.
ItemProxy This class represents the Domino-Class Item.
LogProxy A notes Log.
NoRecycleStrategy Implementation of interface NotesRecycler that does no recycling of any Notes objects.
NotesProxyFactory Factory for sessions to Notes/Domino.
NotesRecycleQueue Queue of Notes objects to be recycled.
ProfileDocumentProxy Represents a document in a database.
RecycleStrategy Implementation of interface NotesRecycler that explicitly recycles almost all Notes objects.
RichTextItemProxy This class represents the Domino-Class RichTextItem.
RichTextItemProxy.EmbeddedObjectsIterator A EmbeddedObjectsIterator allows iteration over a set of lotus.domino.EmbeddedObject.
SessionProxy Notes session.
ViewColumnProxy Represents the Domino-Class View.
ViewEntryProxy Represents a view entry.
ViewProxy Represents the Domino-Class View.

Exception Summary
NotesProxyException Class from which all exceptions in this project inherit.
NotesProxyRuntimeException Class from which all runtime exceptions in this package inherit.

Package de.bea.domingo.proxy Description

Proxy implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo.

Design goals
A Client should have only one session, shared between all threads.
A Server should optionaly have many sessions (one session for each thread) for better performance.

A Notes Session could be shared between different threads, but objects created with one session should never be used with objects created with another session. This must be ensured on application level.

Sessions can be created via Corba or local call.

no recycle needed.

Multithreading issues
(from Notes Design Help)
You should avoid multithreading unless you have good reason to use it, such as proceeding while file input/output and Web requests are processing. Observe the following guidelines:

Domingo Java-API