Uses of Class

Packages that use DNotesException
de.bea.domingo Interfaces and factory for access to Lotus Notes databases. Mapping implementation of the domingo groupware interface to Lotus Notes/Domino. 
de.bea.domingo.http Http implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo Generic Mapping layer between Notes documents and Java classes. 
de.bea.domingo.proxy Proxy implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo
de.bea.domingo.server Experimental: Domino server based processing of domingo commands. 
de.bea.domingo.service Service implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo
de.bea.domingo.threadpool Interface ThreadPool and a Implementation with Monitor. 

Uses of DNotesException in de.bea.domingo

Methods in de.bea.domingo that throw DNotesException
 DDatabase DDatabase.createDatabaseFromTemplate(java.lang.String serverName, java.lang.String newDatabaseName, boolean inherit)
          Create an empty database with the design of the given template.
 DDxlExporter DSession.createDxlExporter()
          Creates a DxlExporter object.
 DDatabase DDatabase.createReplica(java.lang.String server, java.lang.String filePath)
          Creates a replica of the current database at a new location.
static void DNotesFactory.dispose(boolean force)
          Disposes the singleton instance of the factory.
 java.util.List DSession.evaluate(java.lang.String formula)
          Evaluates a domino formula.
 java.util.List DSession.evaluate(java.lang.String formula, DBaseDocument doc)
          Evaluates a domino formula.
 java.lang.String DDxlExporter.exportDxl(DDatabase database)
          Converts Domino data to DXL data.
 java.lang.String DDxlExporter.exportDxl(DDocument document)
          Converts Domino data to DXL data.
 java.lang.String DDxlExporter.exportDxl(DDocumentCollection documentCollection)
          Converts Domino data to DXL data.
 DDatabase DSession.getDatabase(java.lang.String serverName, java.lang.String databaseName)
          Returns a database interface to a Notes database.
 DDatabase DSession.getMailDatabase()
          Returns the mail database of the current user.
 DDatabase DSession.getMailDatabase(java.lang.String username)
          Returns the mail database of a given user.

Uses of DNotesException in

Constructors in that throw DNotesException
MailDatabase(DDatabase database, java.lang.String owner)
MailDatabase(DSession session, NotesLocation location, java.lang.String owner)
MailDatabase(java.lang.String locationUri, java.lang.String owner)
NamesDatabase(DSession session, NotesLocation location)
NamesDatabase(java.lang.String locationUri)

Uses of DNotesException in de.bea.domingo.http

Subclasses of DNotesException in de.bea.domingo.http
 class NotesHttpException
          Class from which all exceptions in this project inherit.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.http that throw DNotesException
 DDatabase DatabaseHttp.createDatabaseFromTemplate(java.lang.String serverName, java.lang.String databaseName, boolean inherit)
          Create an empty database with the design of the given template.
 DDxlExporter SessionHttp.createDxlExporter()
          Creates a DxlExporter object.
 DDatabase DatabaseHttp.createReplica(java.lang.String server, java.lang.String fPath)
          Creates a replica of the current database at a new location.
 DDatabase SessionHttp.getMailDatabase()
          Returns the mail database of the current user.
 DDatabase SessionHttp.getMailDatabase(java.lang.String username)
          Returns the mail database of a given user.

Uses of DNotesException in

Subclasses of DNotesException in
 class MapperRegistrationException
          Signals errors during mapping from or to domingo.
 class MappingException
          Signals errors during mapping from or to domingo.
 class MethodNotFoundException
          Signals that an expected method wasn't found in a bean class.

Methods in that throw DNotesException
protected  DSession BaseDatabase.getSession(NotesLocation location)
          Creates and returns a new domingo session for a given location.

Constructors in that throw DNotesException
BaseDatabase(DDatabase database)
BaseDatabase(DSession session, NotesLocation location)
BaseDatabase(NotesLocation location)
BaseDatabase(java.lang.String locationUri)

Uses of DNotesException in de.bea.domingo.proxy

Subclasses of DNotesException in de.bea.domingo.proxy
 class NotesProxyException
          Class from which all exceptions in this project inherit.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.proxy that return DNotesException
protected  DNotesException BaseProxy.newException(lotus.domino.NotesException e)
          Creates and returns a new exception wrapping a given NotesException.
protected  DNotesException BaseProxy.newException(java.lang.String message)
          Creates and returns a new exception with the given message.
protected  DNotesException BaseProxy.newException(java.lang.String message, lotus.domino.NotesException e)
          Creates and returns a new exception wrapping a given NotesException.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.proxy that throw DNotesException
 DDatabase DatabaseProxy.createDatabaseFromTemplate(java.lang.String serverName, java.lang.String dbName, boolean inherit)
          Create an empty database with the design of the given template.
 DDxlExporter SessionProxy.createDxlExporter()
          Creates a DxlExporter object.
 DDatabase DatabaseProxy.createReplica(java.lang.String serverName, java.lang.String dbName)
          Creates a replica of the current database at a new location.
 java.util.List SessionProxy.evaluate(java.lang.String formula)
          Evaluates a domino formula.
 java.util.List SessionProxy.evaluate(java.lang.String formula, DBaseDocument doc)
          Evaluates a domino formula.
 java.lang.String DxlExporterProxy.exportDxl(DDatabase database)
          Converts Domino data to DXL data.
 java.lang.String DxlExporterProxy.exportDxl(DDocument document)
          Converts Domino data to DXL data.
 java.lang.String DxlExporterProxy.exportDxl(DDocumentCollection documentCollection)
          Converts Domino data to DXL data.
 DDatabase SessionProxy.getDatabase(java.lang.String serverName, java.lang.String databaseName)
          Returns a database interface to a Notes database.
 DDatabase SessionProxy.getMailDatabase()
          Returns the mail database of the current user.
 DDatabase SessionProxy.getMailDatabase(java.lang.String username)
          Returns the mail database of a given user. The mail server of the current user is used as registration server.
 void DNotesThread.runNotes()
          Runs a Notes process.

Uses of DNotesException in de.bea.domingo.server

Methods in de.bea.domingo.server that throw DNotesException
 void SaveDocumentCommand.execute(DSession session, java.util.Map parameters, printWriter)
          Executes the command.
 void ReadDocumentCommand.execute(DSession session, java.util.Map parameters, printWriter)
          Executes the command.
 void ReadDatabaseCommand.execute(DSession session, java.util.Map parameters, printWriter)
          Executes the command.
 void ErrorCommand.execute(DSession session, java.util.Map parameters, printWriter)
          Executes the command.
 void DomingoServer.execute(DSession session, java.util.Map parameters, printWriter)
          Executes a domingo request with the specified parameters.
 void CreateDatabaseFromTemplateCommand.execute(DSession session, java.util.Map parameters, printWriter)
          Executes the command.
 void CreateDatabaseCommand.execute(DSession session, java.util.Map parameters, printWriter)
          Executes the command.
 void Command.execute(DSession session, java.util.Map parameters, printWriter)
          Executes the command.
abstract  void BaseCommand.execute(DSession session, java.util.Map parameters, printWriter)
          Executes the command.

Uses of DNotesException in de.bea.domingo.service

Subclasses of DNotesException in de.bea.domingo.service
 class NotesServiceException
          Class from which all exceptions in this package should inherit.

Uses of DNotesException in de.bea.domingo.threadpool

Subclasses of DNotesException in de.bea.domingo.threadpool
 class ThreadPoolException
          Exceptions that can occur within a thread pool.

Domingo Java-API