Uses of Class

Packages that use DNotesRuntimeException
de.bea.domingo Interfaces and factory for access to Lotus Notes databases. 
de.bea.domingo.groupware Groupware interface to Lotus Notes/Domino. 
de.bea.domingo.http Http implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo
de.bea.domingo.proxy Proxy implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo
de.bea.domingo.service Service implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo

Uses of DNotesRuntimeException in de.bea.domingo

Methods in de.bea.domingo that throw DNotesRuntimeException
 boolean DBaseDocument.computeWithForm(boolean raiseError)
          Validates a document by executing the default value, translation, and validation formulas, if any are defined in the document form.
static void DNotesFactory.dispose()
          Disposes the singleton instance of the factory.
abstract  void DNotesFactory.disposeInstance()
          Disposes all internal resources of the Notes connection.
abstract  void DNotesFactory.disposeInstance(boolean force)
          Disposes all internal resources of the Notes connection.
abstract  void DNotesFactory.disposeInternal(boolean force)
          Deprecated. use DNotesFactory.disposeInstance(boolean) instead
static DNotesFactory DNotesFactory.getInstance()
          Returns a singleton instance of class DNotesFactory.
static DNotesFactory DNotesFactory.getInstance(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Returns a singleton instance of class DNotesFactory.
static DNotesFactory DNotesFactory.getInstance(java.lang.String implementingClassName)
          Returns a singleton instance of class DNotesFactory.
static DNotesFactory DNotesFactory.getInstance(java.lang.String implementingClassName, DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Returns a singleton instance of class DNotesFactory.
abstract  DSession DNotesFactory.getSession()
          Creates a local session.
abstract  DSession DNotesFactory.getSession(java.applet.Applet applet, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password)
          Creates a remote (IIOP) session for an applet.
abstract  DSession DNotesFactory.getSession(java.lang.Object notesSession)
          Creates a Domingo session for an existing Notes session.
abstract  DSession DNotesFactory.getSession(java.lang.String serverUrl)
          Creates a DIIOP session.
abstract  DSession DNotesFactory.getSession(java.lang.String serverUrl, java.lang.String[] args, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password)
          Creates a remote (IIOP or Http) session with arguments using host name.
abstract  DSession DNotesFactory.getSession(java.lang.String serverUrl, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password)
          Creates a remote (IIOP or Http) session using host name.
abstract  DSession DNotesFactory.getSessionSSL(java.lang.String serverUrl, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password)
          Creates a remote (IIOP or Http) session with SSL using host name.
abstract  DSession DNotesFactory.getSessionWithFullAccess()
          Creates a local session.
abstract  DSession DNotesFactory.getSessionWithFullAccess(java.lang.String password)
          Creates a local session.
static DNotesFactory DNotesFactory.newInstance()
          Returns a new instance of class DNotesFactory.
static DNotesFactory DNotesFactory.newInstance(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Returns a new instance of class DNotesFactory.
static DNotesFactory DNotesFactory.newInstance(java.lang.String implementingClassName)
          Returns a new instance of class DNotesFactory.
static DNotesFactory DNotesFactory.newInstance(java.lang.String implementingClassName, DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Returns a new instance of class DNotesFactory.
          Saves any changes you have made to a document.
 boolean force)
          Saves any changes you have made to a document.
 boolean force, boolean makeresponse)
          Saves any changes you have made to a document.

Uses of DNotesRuntimeException in de.bea.domingo.groupware

Methods in de.bea.domingo.groupware that throw DNotesRuntimeException
 void Groupware.close()
          Closes the groupware instance, including all internal resources of the Notes connection.

Uses of DNotesRuntimeException in de.bea.domingo.http

Subclasses of DNotesRuntimeException in de.bea.domingo.http
 class NotesHttpRuntimeException
          Class from which all runtime exceptions in this package inherit.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.http that throw DNotesRuntimeException
 void NotesHttpFactory.disposeInstance()
          Disposes all internal resources of the Notes connection.
 void NotesHttpFactory.disposeInstance(boolean force)
          Disposes all internal resources of the Notes connection.
 void NotesHttpFactory.disposeInternal(boolean force)
          Deprecated. use NotesHttpFactory.disposeInternal(boolean) instead
 java.util.List SessionHttp.evaluate(java.lang.String formula)
          Evaluates a domino formula.
 java.util.List SessionHttp.evaluate(java.lang.String formula, DBaseDocument doc)
          Evaluates a domino formula.
 DDatabase SessionHttp.getDatabase(java.lang.String serverName, java.lang.String databaseName)
          Returns a database interface to a Notes database.
 DSession NotesHttpFactory.getSession()
          Creates a local session.
 DSession NotesHttpFactory.getSession(java.applet.Applet applet, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String passwd)
          Creates a remote (IIOP) session for an applet.
 DSession NotesHttpFactory.getSession(java.lang.Object notesSession)
          Creates a Domingo session for an existing Notes session.
 DSession NotesHttpFactory.getSession(java.lang.String passwd)
          Creates a DIIOP session.
 DSession NotesHttpFactory.getSession(java.lang.String serverUrl, java.lang.String[] args, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password)
          Creates a remote (IIOP or Http) session with arguments using host name.
 DSession NotesHttpFactory.getSession(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String passwd)
          Creates a remote (IIOP or Http) session using host name.
 DSession NotesHttpFactory.getSessionSSL(java.lang.String serverUrl, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password)
          Creates a remote (IIOP or Http) session with SSL using host name.
 DSession NotesHttpFactory.getSessionWithFullAccess()
          Creates a local session.
 DSession NotesHttpFactory.getSessionWithFullAccess(java.lang.String password)
          Creates a local session.
          Saves any changes you have made to a document.
 boolean force)
          Saves any changes you have made to a document.
 boolean force, boolean makeresponse)
          Saves any changes you have made to a document.

Uses of DNotesRuntimeException in de.bea.domingo.proxy

Subclasses of DNotesRuntimeException in de.bea.domingo.proxy
 class NotesProxyRuntimeException
          Class from which all runtime exceptions in this package inherit.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.proxy that return DNotesRuntimeException
protected  DNotesRuntimeException BaseProxy.newRuntimeException(lotus.domino.NotesException e)
          Creates and returns a new runtime exception wrapping a given NotesException.
protected  DNotesRuntimeException BaseProxy.newRuntimeException(java.lang.String message)
          Creates and returns a new runtime exception with the given message.
protected  DNotesRuntimeException BaseProxy.newRuntimeException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Exception e)
          Creates and returns a new runtime exception with the given message.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.proxy that throw DNotesRuntimeException
 DSession NotesProxyFactory.getSession()
          Creates a local session.
 DSession NotesProxyFactory.getSession(java.applet.Applet applet, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String passwd)
          Creates a remote (IIOP) session for an applet.
 DSession NotesProxyFactory.getSession(java.lang.Object notesSession)
          Creates a Domingo session for an existing Notes session.
 DSession NotesProxyFactory.getSession(java.lang.String serverUrl)
          Creates a DIIOP session.
 DSession NotesProxyFactory.getSession(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String[] args, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String passwd)
          Creates a remote (IIOP or Http) session with arguments using host name.
 DSession NotesProxyFactory.getSession(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String passwd)
          Creates a remote (IIOP or Http) session using host name.
 DSession NotesProxyFactory.getSessionSSL(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String passwd)
          Creates a remote (IIOP or Http) session with SSL using host name.
 DSession NotesProxyFactory.getSessionWithFullAccess()
          Creates a local session.
 DSession NotesProxyFactory.getSessionWithFullAccess(java.lang.String password)
          Creates a local session.

Uses of DNotesRuntimeException in de.bea.domingo.service

Subclasses of DNotesRuntimeException in de.bea.domingo.service
 class NotesServiceRuntimeException
          Class from which all exceptions in this package should inherit.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.service that throw DNotesRuntimeException
 void NotesServiceFactory.disposeInstance()
          Disposes all internal resources of the Notes connection.
 void NotesServiceFactory.disposeInstance(boolean force)
          Disposes all internal resources of the Notes connection.
 void NotesServiceFactory.disposeInternal(boolean force)
          Deprecated. use NotesServiceFactory.disposeInstance(boolean) instead
 DSession NotesServiceFactory.getSession()
          Creates a local session.
 DSession NotesServiceFactory.getSession(java.applet.Applet applet, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password)
          Creates a remote (IIOP) session for an applet.
 DSession NotesServiceFactory.getSession(java.lang.Object notesSession)
          Creates a Domingo session for an existing Notes session.
 DSession NotesServiceFactory.getSession(java.lang.String serverUrl)
          Creates a DIIOP session.
 DSession NotesServiceFactory.getSession(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String[] args, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String passwd)
          Creates a remote (IIOP or Http) session with arguments using host name.
 DSession NotesServiceFactory.getSession(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String passwd)
          Creates a remote (IIOP or Http) session using host name.
 DSession NotesServiceFactory.getSessionSSL(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String passwd)
          Creates a remote (IIOP or Http) session with SSL using host name.
 DSession NotesServiceFactory.getSessionWithFullAccess()
          Creates a local session.
 DSession NotesServiceFactory.getSessionWithFullAccess(java.lang.String password)
          Creates a local session.

Constructors in de.bea.domingo.service that throw DNotesRuntimeException
          Default constructor.

Domingo Java-API