public final class ViewProxy
Represents the Domino-Class View
Nested Class Summary | |
class |
A CategoriesIterator allows iteration over a set of
lotus.domino.ViewEntry s that are categories. |
class |
A ViewEntriesIterator allows iteration over a set of
lotus.domino.ViewEntry s in view order. |
class |
A ViewEntriesIterator allows iteration over a set of
lotus.domino.ViewEntry s in reverse order. |
class |
Uses a ViewNavigator to iterate over all entries in a view, starting with a given entry. |
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class de.bea.domingo.proxy.BaseCollectionProxy |
BaseCollectionProxy.ViewIterator |
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class de.bea.domingo.proxy.BaseProxy |
BaseProxy.DocumentCollectionIterator |
Field Summary |
Fields inherited from class de.bea.domingo.proxy.BaseProxy |
Method Summary | |
void |
Clears the full-text search filtering on a view. |
int |
fullTextSearch(java.lang.String query)
Conducts a full-text search on all documents in a view and filters the view so it represents only those documents that match the full-text query. |
int |
fullTextSearch(java.lang.String query,
int maxdocs)
Conducts a full-text search on all documents in a view and filters the view so it represents only those documents that match the full-text query. |
java.util.Iterator |
Finds view entries of type category. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllCategories(int level)
Finds view entries of type category upto a given level. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllCategoriesByKey(java.util.List key)
Deprecated. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllCategoriesByKey(java.util.List key,
boolean exact)
Deprecated. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllCategoriesByKey(java.util.List key,
int level)
Deprecated. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllCategoriesByKey(java.util.List key,
int level,
boolean exact)
Deprecated. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllCategoriesByKey(java.lang.String key)
Deprecated. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllCategoriesByKey(java.lang.String key,
boolean exact)
Deprecated. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllCategoriesByKey(java.lang.String key,
int level)
Deprecated. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllCategoriesByKey(java.lang.String key,
int level,
boolean exact)
Deprecated. |
java.util.Iterator |
Returns an Iterator to loop over all documents in the view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllDocumentsByKey(java.util.Calendar key)
Finds documents based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllDocumentsByKey(java.util.Calendar key,
boolean exact)
Finds documents based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllDocumentsByKey(double key)
Finds documents based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllDocumentsByKey(double key,
boolean exact)
Finds documents based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllDocumentsByKey(int key)
Finds documents based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllDocumentsByKey(int key,
boolean exact)
Finds documents based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllDocumentsByKey(java.util.List keys)
Finds documents based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllDocumentsByKey(java.util.List keys,
boolean exact)
Finds documents based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllDocumentsByKey(java.lang.String key)
Finds documents based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllDocumentsByKey(java.lang.String key,
boolean exact)
Finds documents based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
Iterator over all entries in a view in view order. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllEntries(DViewEntry entry)
Iterator over all entries in a view in view order starting with a given entry. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllEntriesByKey(java.util.Calendar start,
java.util.Calendar end,
boolean exact)
Finds view entries of type document based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllEntriesByKey(java.util.List keys)
Finds view entries of type document based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllEntriesByKey(java.util.List keys,
boolean exact)
Finds view entries of type document based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllEntriesByKey(java.lang.String key)
Finds view entries of type document based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
getAllEntriesByKey(java.lang.String key,
boolean exact)
Finds view entries of type document based on their column values within a view. |
java.util.Iterator |
Iterator over all entries in a view in reverse view order. |
DViewColumn |
getColumn(int i)
Returns a specified column in a view. |
int |
Returns the number of columns in a view. |
java.util.List |
Retutrns the names of the columns in a view. |
java.util.List |
Returns the columns in a view. |
DDocument |
getDocumentByKey(java.util.List keys,
boolean exact)
Finds a document based on its column values within a view. |
DDocument |
getDocumentByKey(java.lang.String key,
boolean exact)
Finds a document based on the first column value within a view. |
(package private) ViewEntryProxy |
getDViewEntry(DBase parent,
lotus.domino.ViewEntry viewEntry)
Creates and returns a Proxy for a ViewEntry. |
DViewEntry |
getEntryByKey(java.util.List keys)
Finds a view entry based on its column values within a view. |
DViewEntry |
getEntryByKey(java.util.List keys,
boolean exact)
Finds a view entry based on its column values within a view. |
DViewEntry |
getEntryByKey(java.lang.String key)
Finds a view entry based on its column values within a view. |
DViewEntry |
getEntryByKey(java.lang.String key,
boolean exact)
Finds a view entry based on its column values within a view. |
(package private) static ViewProxy |
getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory,
DDatabase database,
lotus.domino.View view,
DNotesMonitor monitor)
Returns a view object. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the name of a view. |
java.lang.String |
Returns the selection formula of a view. |
void |
Updates view contents with any changes that have occurred to the database since the View object was created, or since the last refresh. |
void |
setSelectionFormula(java.lang.String formula)
Sets the selection formula of a view. |
java.lang.String |
Returns a short description of an instance. |
Methods inherited from class de.bea.domingo.monitor.AbstractMonitorEnabled |
getMonitor, setMonitor |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
Methods inherited from interface de.bea.domingo.DBase |
equals, hashCode |
Method Detail |
static ViewProxy getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DDatabase database, lotus.domino.View view, DNotesMonitor monitor)
- the controlling factorydatabase
- Notes databaseview
- the notes view objectmonitor
- the monitor
public void refresh()
in interface DView
public java.lang.String getName()
in interface DView
public DDocument getDocumentByKey(java.lang.String key, boolean exact)
if there are no matching document.
in interface DView
- - String
A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!exact
- - boolean
DView.getDocumentByKey(String, boolean)
public DDocument getDocumentByKey(java.util.List keys, boolean exact)
if there are no matching document.
in interface DView
- - List(Column-Value)
A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!exact
- - boolean
public java.util.Iterator getAllDocumentsByKey(java.util.List keys)
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed. A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
in interface DView
- list of keys
public java.util.Iterator getAllDocumentsByKey(java.lang.String key)
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed. A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
in interface DView
- key
public java.util.Iterator getAllDocumentsByKey(java.lang.String key, boolean exact)
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed. A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
in interface DView
- keyexact
- True if you want to find an exact match. If you specify
false or omit this parameter, a partial match succeeds.
The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in
missed documents. If the first key is partial and the second
column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the
exact key, documents that fall out of sequence are missed.
A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
DView.getAllDocumentsByKey(java.lang.String, boolean)
public java.util.Iterator getAllDocumentsByKey(java.util.List keys, boolean exact)
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed. A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
in interface DView
- list of keysexact
- True if you want to find an exact match. If you specify
false or omit this parameter, a partial match succeeds.
The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in
missed documents. If the first key is partial and the second
column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the
exact key, documents that fall out of sequence are missed.
A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
DView.getAllDocumentsByKey(java.util.List, boolean)
public java.util.Iterator getAllDocumentsByKey(java.util.Calendar key)
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed. A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
in interface DView
- key
public java.util.Iterator getAllDocumentsByKey(double key)
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed. A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
in interface DView
- key
public java.util.Iterator getAllDocumentsByKey(int key)
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed. A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
in interface DView
- key
public java.util.Iterator getAllDocumentsByKey(java.util.Calendar key, boolean exact)
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed. A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
in interface DView
- keyexact
- True if you want to find an exact match. If you specify
false or omit this parameter, a partial match succeeds.
The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in
missed documents. If the first key is partial and the second
column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the
exact key, documents that fall out of sequence are missed.
A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
DView.getAllDocumentsByKey(java.util.Calendar, boolean)
public java.util.Iterator getAllDocumentsByKey(double key, boolean exact)
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed. A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
in interface DView
- keyexact
- True if you want to find an exact match. If you specify
false or omit this parameter, a partial match succeeds.
The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in
missed documents. If the first key is partial and the second
column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the
exact key, documents that fall out of sequence are missed.
A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
DView.getAllDocumentsByKey(double, boolean)
public java.util.Iterator getAllDocumentsByKey(int key, boolean exact)
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed. A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
in interface DView
- keyexact
- True if you want to find an exact match. If you specify
false or omit this parameter, a partial match succeeds.
The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in
missed documents. If the first key is partial and the second
column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the
exact key, documents that fall out of sequence are missed.
A partial key must not be in a categorized colum!
DView.getAllDocumentsByKey(int, boolean)
public java.util.Iterator getAllDocuments()
in interface DView
public java.lang.String toString()
in interface DBase
in class java.lang.Object
public java.util.Iterator getAllEntries()
A view entry collection contains only document entries (no categories or totals). If a view is filtered by FTSearch, this property returns the entries in the filtered view.
in interface DView
public java.util.Iterator getAllEntriesReverse()
A view entry collection contains only document entries (no categories or totals). If a view is filtered by FTSearch, this property returns the entries in the filtered view.
in interface DView
public DViewEntry getEntryByKey(java.lang.String key)
You create a key or vector of keys, where each key corresponds to a value in a sorted column in the view. The method returns the first entry with column values that match the keys.
This method returns only the first entry with column values that
match the strings you indicate. To locate all matching documents, use
in interface DView
- String that is compared to the first sorted column in the
if there are no matching entries.DView.getEntryByKey(java.lang.String)
public DViewEntry getEntryByKey(java.lang.String key, boolean exact)
You create a key or vector of keys, where each key corresponds to a value in a sorted column in the view. The method returns the first entry with column values that match the keys.
This method returns only the first entry with column values that
match the strings you indicate. To locate all matching documents, use
in interface DView
- String that is compared to the first sorted column in the view.exact
- use true if you want an exact match or false for a partial
if there are no matching entries.DView.getEntryByKey(java.lang.String, boolean)
public DViewEntry getEntryByKey(java.util.List keys)
You create a key or vector of keys, where each key corresponds to a value in a sorted column in the view. The method returns the first entry with column values that match the keys.
This method returns only the first entry with column values that
match the strings you indicate. To locate all matching documents, use
in interface DView
- A String object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view. The List only must contain the types String, Date,
Double and Integer
if there are no matching entries.DView.getEntryByKey(java.util.List)
public DViewEntry getEntryByKey(java.util.List keys, boolean exact)
You create a key or vector of keys, where each key corresponds to a value in a sorted column in the view. The method returns the first entry with column values that match the keys.
This method returns only the first entry with column values that
match the strings you indicate. To locate all matching documents, use
in interface DView
- A String object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view. The List only must contain the types String, Date,
Double and Integerexact
- use true if you want an exact match or false for a partial
if there are no matching entries.DView.getEntryByKey(java.util.List, boolean)
public java.util.Iterator getAllEntries(DViewEntry entry)
A view entry collection contains only document entries (no categories or totals). If a view is filtered by FTSearch, this property returns the entries in the filtered view.
in interface DView
- A Document or ViewEntry object. Cannot be null.
public java.util.Iterator getAllEntriesByKey(java.lang.String key)
Note For the getAllEntriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column sorted for every key in the array.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A String object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view.
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllEntriesByKey(java.lang.String)
public java.util.Iterator getAllEntriesByKey(java.lang.String key, boolean exact)
Note For the getAllEntriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column sorted for every key in the array.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A String object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view.exact
- use true if you want an exact match or false for a partial
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllEntriesByKey(java.lang.String, boolean)
public java.util.Iterator getAllEntriesByKey(java.util.List keys)
Note For the getAllEntriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column sorted for every key in the array.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A String object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view. The List only must contain the types String, Date,
Double and Integer
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllEntriesByKey(java.util.List)
public java.util.Iterator getAllEntriesByKey(java.util.List keys, boolean exact)
Note For the getAllEntriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column sorted for every key in the array.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A List object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view. The List only must contain the types String, Date,
Double and Integerexact
- use true if you want an exact match or false for a partial
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllEntriesByKey(java.util.List, boolean)
public java.util.Iterator getAllEntriesByKey(java.util.Calendar start, java.util.Calendar end, boolean exact)
Note For the getAllEntriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column sorted for every key in the array.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A Calendar object that represents the start of a date range.
Compared to the first column in the view.end
- A Calendar object that represents the start of a end range.
Compared to the first column in the view.exact
- use true if you want an exact match or false for a partial
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllEntriesByKey(java.util.Calendar, java.util.Calendar, boolean)
ViewEntryProxy getDViewEntry(DBase parent, lotus.domino.ViewEntry viewEntry)
if the viewEntry
parameter is null
- the parent objectviewEntry
- to Notes ViewEntry
public java.util.Iterator getAllCategories()
to retrieve sub categories.
in interface DView
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllCategories()
public java.util.Iterator getAllCategories(int level)
in interface DView
- The maximum level of navigation 0 (top level) through 30
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllCategories(int)
public java.util.Iterator getAllCategoriesByKey(java.lang.String key)
Note For the getAllCategoriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column categorized.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A String that is compared to the first categorized column
in the view.
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllCategoriesByKey(java.lang.String)
public java.util.Iterator getAllCategoriesByKey(java.lang.String key, int level)
Note For the getAllCategoriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column categorized for every key in the array.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A List object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view. The List only must contain the types String, Date,
Double and Integerlevel
- The maximum level of navigation 0 (top level) through 30
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllCategoriesByKey(java.lang.String, int)
public java.util.Iterator getAllCategoriesByKey(java.lang.String key, boolean exact)
Note For the getAllCategoriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column categorized for every key in the array.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A List object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view. The List only must contain the types String, Date,
Double and Integerexact
- use true if you want an exact match or false for a partial
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllCategoriesByKey(java.lang.String, boolean)
public java.util.Iterator getAllCategoriesByKey(java.lang.String key, int level, boolean exact)
Note For the getAllCategoriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column categorized for every key in the array.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A List object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view. The List only must contain the types String, Date,
Double and Integerlevel
- The maximum level of navigation 0 (top level) through 30
- use true if you want an exact match or false for a partial
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllCategoriesByKey(java.lang.String, int, boolean)
public java.util.Iterator getAllCategoriesByKey(java.util.List key)
Note For the getAllCategoriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column categorized for every key in the array.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A List object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view. The List only must contain the types String, Date,
Double and Integer
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllCategoriesByKey(java.util.List)
public java.util.Iterator getAllCategoriesByKey(java.util.List key, int level)
Note For the getAllCategoriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column categorized for every key in the array.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A List object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view. The List only must contain the types String, Date,
Double and Integerlevel
- The maximum level of navigation 0 (top level) through 30
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllCategoriesByKey(java.util.List, int)
public java.util.Iterator getAllCategoriesByKey(java.util.List key, boolean exact)
Note For the getAllCategoriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column categorized for every key in the array.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A List object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view. The List only must contain the types String, Date,
Double and Integerexact
- use true if you want an exact match or false for a partial
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllCategoriesByKey(java.util.List, boolean)
public java.util.Iterator getAllCategoriesByKey(java.util.List key, int level, boolean exact)
Note For the getAllCategoriesByKey method to work using a key, you must have at least one column categorized for every key in the array.
Note The use of partial matches with multiple keys may result in missed entries. If the first key is partial and the second column does not sort the same with the partial key as with the exact key, entries that fall out of sequence are missed.
in interface DView
- A List object that is compared to the first sorted column
in the view. The List only must contain the types String, Date,
Double and Integerlevel
- The maximum level of navigation 0 (top level) through 30
- use true if you want an exact match or false for a partial
Entries returned by this method are in view order.DView.getAllCategoriesByKey(java.util.List, int, boolean)
public int fullTextSearch(java.lang.String query)
See DView.fullTextSearch(String, int)
for more details.
in interface DView
- The full-text query. See the "Query Syntax" for details
public int fullTextSearch(java.lang.String query, int maxdocs)
After calling FTSearch, you can use the regular View methods to navigate the result, which is a subset of the documents in the view. If the database is not full-text indexed, the documents in the subset are in the same order as they are in the original view. However, if the database is full-text indexed, the documents in the subset are sorted into descending order of relevance. The method getFirstDocument returns the first document in the subset, getLastDocument returns the last document, and so on.
Use the DView.clear()
method to clear the full-text search filtering.
The View methods now navigate to the full set of documents in the view.
If the database is not full-text indexed, this method works,
but less efficiently. To test for an index, use DDatabase.isFTIndexed()
To create an index on a local database, use DDatabase.updateFTIndex(boolean)
Query syntax
To search for a word or phrase, enter the word or phrase as is, except that search keywords must be enclosed in quotes. Remember to escape quotes if you are inside a literal. Wildcards, operators, and other syntax are permitted. For the complete syntax rules, see "Finding documents in a database" in Lotus Notes 6 Help.
in interface DView
- The full-text query. See the "Query Syntax" for detailsmaxdocs
- The maximum number of documents you want returned from the
search. If you want to receive all documents that match the
query, specify 0
DView.fullTextSearch(java.lang.String, int)
public void clear()
in interface DView
public java.lang.String getSelectionFormula()
in interface DView
public void setSelectionFormula(java.lang.String formula)
in interface DView
- new selection formulaDView.setSelectionFormula(java.lang.String)
public java.util.List getColumnNames()
in interface DView
public int getColumnCount()
in interface DView
public DViewColumn getColumn(int i)
in interface DView
- A column number where 1 is the first column. Cannot be less than 1
or greater than the number of columns in the view.
public java.util.List getColumns()
The order of ViewColumn objects in the vector corresponds to the order of the columns in the view, from left to right.
in interface DView