Uses of Interface

Packages that use DBase
de.bea.domingo Interfaces and factory for access to Lotus Notes databases. 
de.bea.domingo.http Http implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo
de.bea.domingo.mock Implementations of some interfaces for temporary objects. 
de.bea.domingo.proxy Proxy implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo

Uses of DBase in de.bea.domingo

Subinterfaces of DBase in de.bea.domingo
 interface DAgent
          Represents notes agents.
 interface DBaseDocument
          Base interface for all concrete document interfaces.
 interface DBaseItem
          Base interface for all concrete item interfaces.
 interface DDatabase
          Represents a Notes database.
 interface DDocument
          Represents a document in a database.
 interface DDocumentCollection
          Represents a collection of documents and provides access to documents within it.
 interface DDxlExporter
          Represents a Notes database.
 interface DEmbeddedObject
          Represents an embedded object.
 interface DForm
          Represents a form in a database.
 interface DItem
          Represents a discrete value or set of values in a document.
 interface DLog
          Enables you to record actions and errors that take place during a program's execution.
 interface DProfileDocument
          Represents a profile document in a database.
 interface DRichTextItem
          Represents an item of type rich text.
 interface DRichTextStyle
          Represents a Notes database.
 interface DSession
          Is the root of the Notes Objects containment hierarchy, providing access to the other Domino objects, and represents the Domino environment of the current program.
 interface DView
          Represents a view or folder of a database and provides access to documents within it.
 interface DViewEntry
          Represents a view entry.

Methods in de.bea.domingo that return DBase
 DBase DSession.resolve(java.lang.String url)
          Returns the Domino object that a URL addresses.

Uses of DBase in de.bea.domingo.http

Classes in de.bea.domingo.http that implement DBase
 class AgentHttp
 class BaseDocumentHttp
          Http implementation of a Domingo view.
 class BaseHttp
          Abstract base class for all implementations of interfaces derived from DBase.
 class DatabaseHttp
 class DocumentHttp
          Http implementation of a Domingo document.
 class ItemHttp
          Simple implementation of an item in a Notes document.
 class SessionHttp
          Notes session.
 class ViewEntryHttp
 class ViewHttp
          Http implementation of a Domingo view.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.http that return DBase
 DBase SessionHttp.resolve(java.lang.String url)
          Returns the Domino object that a URL addresses.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.http with parameters of type DBase
(package private) static DViewEntry ViewEntryHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDocument DocumentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDocument BaseDocumentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static AgentHttp AgentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, DNotesMonitor monitor, java.lang.String agentName)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DView ViewHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, java.lang.String name, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDocument DocumentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, java.lang.String unid, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDatabase DatabaseHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, java.lang.String filePath, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDocument BaseDocumentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, java.lang.String unid, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.

Constructors in de.bea.domingo.http with parameters of type DBase
AgentHttp(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, DNotesMonitor monitor, java.lang.String agentName)
BaseDocumentHttp(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Private Constructor for this class.
BaseDocumentHttp(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, java.lang.String unid, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Private Constructor for this class.
BaseHttp(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new DBaseImpl object.
DocumentHttp(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Private Constructor for this class.
DocumentHttp(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, java.lang.String unid, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Private Constructor for this class.
ItemHttp(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, java.lang.String theName, DNotesMonitor monitor)
ItemHttp(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, java.lang.String theName, java.util.List theValues, DNotesMonitor monitor)

Uses of DBase in de.bea.domingo.mock

Classes in de.bea.domingo.mock that implement DBase
 class MockDocument
          Transient mock implementation of interface DDocument.
 class MockItem
          Transient mock implementation of interface DItem.
 class MockViewEntry
          Transient mock implementation of interface DViewEntry.

Uses of DBase in de.bea.domingo.proxy

Classes in de.bea.domingo.proxy that implement DBase
 class AgentContextProxy
          Represents the agent environment of the current program, if an agent is running it.
 class AgentProxy
          Represents a notes agent.
 class BaseCollectionProxy
          Abstract base class for all implementations of interfaces derived from DBase.
 class BaseDocumentProxy
          Represents a document in a database.
 class BaseItemProxy
          This class represents the Domino-Class Item.
 class BaseProxy
          Abstract base class for all implementations of interfaces derived from DBase.
static class BaseProxy.DocumentCollectionIterator
          Iterator for collections of documents.
 class DatabaseProxy
          Represents a Notes database.
 class DocumentCollectionProxy
          Represents the Domino-Class DocumentCollection.
 class DocumentProxy
          Represents a document in a database.
 class DxlExporterProxy
          Represents a view entry.
 class EmbeddedObjectProxy
          This class represents the Domino-Class EmbeddedObject.
 class FormProxy
          A notes Form.
 class ItemProxy
          This class represents the Domino-Class Item.
 class LogProxy
          A notes Log.
 class ProfileDocumentProxy
          Represents a document in a database.
 class RichTextItemProxy
          This class represents the Domino-Class RichTextItem.
 class SessionProxy
          Notes session.
 class ViewColumnProxy
          Represents the Domino-Class View.
 class ViewEntryProxy
          Represents a view entry.
 class ViewProxy
          Represents the Domino-Class View.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.proxy that return DBase
protected  DBase BaseProxy.getParent()
          Returns the parent object.
 DBase SessionProxy.resolve(java.lang.String url)
          Returns the Domino object that a URL addresses.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.proxy with parameters of type DBase
(package private)  ViewEntryProxy ViewProxy.getDViewEntry(DBase parent, lotus.domino.ViewEntry viewEntry)
          Creates and returns a Proxy for a ViewEntry.
(package private) static BaseDocumentProxy BaseDocumentProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Document document, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates or returns a cached implementation of the requested document interface.
static DxlExporterProxy DxlExporterProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.DxlExporter exporter, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates an encapsulated notes session object.
(package private) static DEmbeddedObject EmbeddedObjectProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.EmbeddedObject embeddedObject, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new DEmbeddedObject and enables logging.
(package private) static BaseItemProxy BaseItemProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Item item, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates or returns a cached implementation of the requested item interface.
static ViewEntryProxy ViewEntryProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.ViewEntry viewEntry, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates an encapsulated notes session object.

Constructors in de.bea.domingo.proxy with parameters of type DBase
AgentProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, lotus.domino.Agent agent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
BaseCollectionProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, lotus.domino.Base object, DNotesMonitor monitor)
BaseDocumentProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Document document, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for DDocumentImpl.
BaseItemProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Item item, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for DItemImpl.
BaseProxy.DocumentCollectionIterator(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, lotus.domino.DocumentCollection theCollection, DNotesMonitor monitor)
BaseProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, lotus.domino.Base object, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new DBaseImpl object.
DocumentCollectionProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.DocumentCollection documentCollection, DNotesMonitor monitor)
DocumentProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Document theDocument, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for DDocumentImpl.
ItemProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Item theItem, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for DItemImpl.
ProfileDocumentProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Document theDocument, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for DDocumentImpl.
RichTextItemProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.RichTextItem theRichTextItem, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for DRichTextItemImpl.

Domingo Java-API