Uses of Interface

Packages that use DDocument
de.bea.domingo Interfaces and factory for access to Lotus Notes databases. 
de.bea.domingo.http Http implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo Generic Mapping layer between Notes documents and Java classes. 
de.bea.domingo.mock Implementations of some interfaces for temporary objects. 
de.bea.domingo.proxy Proxy implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo

Uses of DDocument in de.bea.domingo

Methods in de.bea.domingo that return DDocument
 DDocument DDocument.copyToDatabase(DDatabase database)
          Copies a document to a specified database.
 DDocument DDatabase.createDocument()
          Creates a document in a database and returns a Document object that represents the new document.
 DDocument DBaseDocument.createReplyMessage(boolean toAll)
          Creates a new document that is formatted as a reply to the current document.
 DDocument DViewEntry.getDocument()
          The document associated with the view entry.
 DDocument DDatabase.getDocumentByID(java.lang.String noteId)
          Finds a document in a database, given the document note ID.
 DDocument DView.getDocumentByKey(java.util.List keys, boolean exact)
          Finds a document based on its column values within a view.
 DDocument DView.getDocumentByKey(java.lang.String key, boolean exact)
          Finds a document based on the first column value within a view.
 DDocument DDatabase.getDocumentByUNID(java.lang.String docId)
          Finds a document in a database, given the document universal ID (UNID).
 DDocument DAgentContext.getDocumentContext()
          The in-memory document when an agent starts.
 DDocument DDocument.getParentDocument()
          The parent document if the document is a response document.
 DDocument DAgentContext.getSavedData()
          A document that an agent uses to store information between invocations.

Methods in de.bea.domingo with parameters of type DDocument
 DItem DItem.copyItemToDocument(DDocument document)
          Copies an item to a specified document.
 DItem DItem.copyItemToDocument(DDocument document, java.lang.String newName)
          Copies an item to a specified document.
 java.lang.String DDxlExporter.exportDxl(DDocument document)
          Converts Domino data to DXL data.
 void DDocument.makeResponse(DDocument doc)
          Makes one document a response to another.
 void DAgentContext.updateProcessedDoc(DDocument document)
          Marks a given document as processed.

Uses of DDocument in de.bea.domingo.http

Classes in de.bea.domingo.http that implement DDocument
 class DocumentHttp
          Http implementation of a Domingo document.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.http that return DDocument
 DDocument DocumentHttp.copyToDatabase(DDatabase database)
          Copies a document to a specified database.
 DDocument DatabaseHttp.createDocument()
          Creates a document in a database and returns a Document object that represents the new document.
 DDocument BaseDocumentHttp.createReplyMessage(boolean flag)
          Creates a new document that is formatted as a reply to the current document.
 DDocument ViewEntryHttp.getDocument()
          The document associated with the view entry.
 DDocument DatabaseHttp.getDocumentByID(java.lang.String noteId)
          Finds a document in a database, given the document note ID.
 DDocument ViewHttp.getDocumentByKey(java.util.List keys, boolean exact)
          Finds a document based on its column values within a view.
 DDocument ViewHttp.getDocumentByKey(java.lang.String key, boolean exact)
          Finds a document based on the first column value within a view.
 DDocument DatabaseHttp.getDocumentByUNID(java.lang.String universalId)
          Finds a document in a database, given the document universal ID (UNID).
(package private) static DDocument DocumentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDocument BaseDocumentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDocument DocumentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, java.lang.String unid, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDocument BaseDocumentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, java.lang.String unid, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
 DDocument DocumentHttp.getParentDocument()
          The parent document if the document is a response document.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.http with parameters of type DDocument
 DItem ItemHttp.copyItemToDocument(DDocument document)
          Copies an item to a specified document.
 DItem ItemHttp.copyItemToDocument(DDocument document, java.lang.String newName)
          Copies an item to a specified document.
 void DocumentHttp.makeResponse(DDocument doc)
          Makes one document a response to another.

Uses of DDocument in

Methods in with parameters of type DDocument
protected  java.util.List BaseDMapper.getValue(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName)
          Reads the date value of an item.
protected  java.util.Calendar BaseDMapper.getValueDate(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName)
          Reads the date value of an item.
protected  DDateRange BaseDMapper.getValueDateRange(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName)
          Reads the DDateRange value of an item.
protected  java.lang.Double BaseDMapper.getValueDouble(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName)
          Reads the Double value of an item.
protected  java.lang.Integer BaseDMapper.getValueInteger(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName)
          Reads the Integer value of an item.
protected  java.lang.String BaseDMapper.getValueString(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName)
          Reads the String value of an item.
 void document, java.lang.Object object)
          Performs the mapping from a document to a business object.
 void document, java.lang.Object object)
          Maps a domingo document to a business object.
 void document, java.lang.Object object)
          Maps a domingo document to a business object.
 void document, java.lang.Object object)
          Maps a domingo document to a business object.
 void document, java.lang.Object object)
          Maps a domingo document to a business object.
 void document, java.lang.Object object)
          Performs the direct mapping from a document to a business object.
 void document, java.lang.Object object)
          Performs the direct mapping from a document to a business object.
 void document, java.lang.Object object)
          Maps a domingo document to a business object.
 void object, DDocument document)
          Performs the mapping from a business object to a document.
 void object, DDocument document)
          Maps a business object to a domingo document.
 void object, DDocument document)
          Maps a business object to a domingo document.
 void object, DDocument document)
          Maps a business object to a domingo document.
 void object, DDocument document)
          Maps a business object to a domingo document.
 void object, DDocument document)
          Performs the direct mapping from a business object to a document.
 void object, DDocument document)
          Performs the direct mapping from a business object to a document.
 void object, DDocument document)
          Maps a business object to a domingo document.
protected  void BaseDMapper.replaceItemValue(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName, java.util.Calendar value)
          Replaces the value of an item with a Calendar.
protected  void BaseDMapper.replaceItemValue(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName, double value)
          Replaces the value of an item with a double.
protected  void BaseDMapper.replaceItemValue(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName, java.lang.Double value)
          Replaces the value of an item with a Double.
protected  void BaseDMapper.replaceItemValue(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName, int value)
          Replaces the value of an item with an int.
protected  void BaseDMapper.replaceItemValue(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName, java.lang.Integer value)
          Replaces the value of an item with an Integer.
protected  void BaseDMapper.replaceItemValue(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName, java.util.List value)
          Replaces the value of an item with a List.
protected  void BaseDMapper.replaceItemValue(DDocument document, java.lang.String itemName, java.lang.String value)
          Replaces the value of an item with a String.

Uses of DDocument in de.bea.domingo.mock

Classes in de.bea.domingo.mock that implement DDocument
 class MockDocument
          Transient mock implementation of interface DDocument.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.mock that return DDocument
 DDocument MockDocument.copyToDatabase(DDatabase database)
          Copies a document to a specified database.
 DDocument MockDocument.createReplyMessage(boolean flag)
          Creates a new document that is formatted as a reply to the current document.
 DDocument MockViewEntry.getDocument()
          The document associated with the view entry.
 DDocument MockDocument.getParentDocument()
          The parent document if the document is a response document.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.mock with parameters of type DDocument
 DItem MockItem.copyItemToDocument(DDocument document)
          Copies an item to a specified document.
 DItem MockItem.copyItemToDocument(DDocument document, java.lang.String newName)
          Copies an item to a specified document.
 void MockDocument.makeResponse(DDocument doc)
          Makes one document a response to another.

Uses of DDocument in de.bea.domingo.proxy

Classes in de.bea.domingo.proxy that implement DDocument
 class DocumentProxy
          Represents a document in a database.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.proxy that return DDocument
 DDocument DocumentProxy.copyToDatabase(DDatabase database)
          Copies a document to a specified database.
 DDocument DatabaseProxy.createDocument()
          Creates a document in a database and returns a Document object that represents the new document.
 DDocument BaseDocumentProxy.createReplyMessage(boolean flag)
          Creates a new document that is formatted as a reply to the current document.
 DDocument ViewEntryProxy.getDocument()
          The document associated with the view entry.
 DDocument DatabaseProxy.getDocumentByID(java.lang.String noteId)
          Finds a document in a database, given the document note ID.
 DDocument ViewProxy.getDocumentByKey(java.util.List keys, boolean exact)
          Finds a document based on its column values within a view.
 DDocument ViewProxy.getDocumentByKey(java.lang.String key, boolean exact)
          Finds a document based on the first column value within a view.
 DDocument DatabaseProxy.getDocumentByUNID(java.lang.String docId)
          Finds a document in a database, given the document universal ID (UNID).
 DDocument AgentContextProxy.getDocumentContext()
          The in-memory document when an agent starts.
 DDocument DocumentProxy.getParentDocument()
          The parent document if the document is a response document.
 DDocument AgentContextProxy.getSavedData()
          A document that an agent uses to store information between invocations.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.proxy with parameters of type DDocument
 DItem ItemProxy.copyItemToDocument(DDocument document)
          Copies an item to a specified document.
 DItem ItemProxy.copyItemToDocument(DDocument document, java.lang.String newName)
          Copies an item to a specified document.
 java.lang.String DxlExporterProxy.exportDxl(DDocument document)
          Converts Domino data to DXL data.
 void DocumentProxy.makeResponse(DDocument parent)
          Makes one document a response to another.
 void AgentContextProxy.updateProcessedDoc(DDocument document)
          Marks a given document as processed.

Domingo Java-API