Uses of Interface

Packages that use DNotesMonitor
de.bea.domingo Interfaces and factory for access to Lotus Notes databases. 
de.bea.domingo.groupware Groupware interface to Lotus Notes/Domino. 
de.bea.domingo.http Http implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo
de.bea.domingo.monitor Interfaces and implementations for monitoring the domingo API. 
de.bea.domingo.notes Interfaces and classes needed to run Domingo inside of Lotus Notes/Domino. 
de.bea.domingo.proxy Proxy implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo
de.bea.domingo.queue Generic queue related classes. 
de.bea.domingo.service Service implementation of the contract in package de.bea.domingo
de.bea.domingo.threadpool Interface ThreadPool and a Implementation with Monitor. 

Uses of DNotesMonitor in de.bea.domingo

Methods in de.bea.domingo that return DNotesMonitor
protected abstract  DNotesMonitor DNotesFactory.getMonitor()
          Get the current monitor.
 DNotesMonitor DAgentBase.getMonitor()
          Deprecated. Returns the monitor of the current Domingo agent.

Methods in de.bea.domingo with parameters of type DNotesMonitor
static DNotesFactory DNotesFactory.getInstance(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Returns a singleton instance of class DNotesFactory.
static DNotesFactory DNotesFactory.getInstance(java.lang.String implementingClassName, DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Returns a singleton instance of class DNotesFactory.
static DNotesFactory DNotesFactory.newInstance(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Returns a new instance of class DNotesFactory.
static DNotesFactory DNotesFactory.newInstance(java.lang.String implementingClassName, DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Returns a new instance of class DNotesFactory.
protected abstract  void DNotesFactory.setMonitor(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Set the monitor.

Uses of DNotesMonitor in de.bea.domingo.groupware

Constructors in de.bea.domingo.groupware with parameters of type DNotesMonitor
Groupware(NotesLocation location, DNotesMonitor monitor)
Groupware(java.lang.String locationUri, DNotesMonitor monitor)

Uses of DNotesMonitor in de.bea.domingo.http

Methods in de.bea.domingo.http that return DNotesMonitor
 DNotesMonitor NotesHttpFactory.getMonitor()
          Get the current monitor.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.http with parameters of type DNotesMonitor
(package private) static DViewEntry ViewEntryHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDocument DocumentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDocument BaseDocumentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static AgentHttp AgentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, DNotesMonitor monitor, java.lang.String agentName)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DView ViewHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, java.lang.String name, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDocument DocumentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, java.lang.String unid, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDatabase DatabaseHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, java.lang.String filePath, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DDocument BaseDocumentHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, java.lang.String unid, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DSession SessionHttp.getInstance(NotesHttpFactory factory, java.lang.String host, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String passwd, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates an Http session object.
 void NotesHttpFactory.setMonitor(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Set the monitor.

Constructors in de.bea.domingo.http with parameters of type DNotesMonitor
AgentHttp(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, DNotesMonitor monitor, java.lang.String agentName)
BaseDocumentHttp(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Private Constructor for this class.
BaseDocumentHttp(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, java.lang.String unid, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Private Constructor for this class.
BaseHttp(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new DBaseImpl object.
DocumentHttp(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Private Constructor for this class.
DocumentHttp(NotesHttpFactory factory, DBase parent, java.lang.String unid, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Private Constructor for this class.
DominoHttpClient(DNotesMonitor monitor, java.lang.String host, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
ItemHttp(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, java.lang.String theName, DNotesMonitor monitor)
ItemHttp(NotesHttpFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, java.lang.String theName, java.util.List theValues, DNotesMonitor monitor)

Uses of DNotesMonitor in de.bea.domingo.monitor

Classes in de.bea.domingo.monitor that implement DNotesMonitor
 class AbstractDefaultMonitor
          Abstract base class for implementations of the Monitor interface.
 class AbstractMonitor
          Abstract base class for implementations of the Monitor interface.
 class AbstractStreamMonitor
          Abstract stream monitor, logs everything to a PrintStream.
 class ConsoleMonitor
          Console monitor, logs everything to System.out.
 class FileMonitor
          Console monitor, logs everything to System.out.
 class Jdk14LoggerMonitor
          Adapter from Java Logging to the domingo monitor interface.
 class Log4jMonitor
          Adapter from Apache Log4j to the domingo monitor interface.
 class LoggingMonitor
          Adapter from Apache Commons Logging to the domingo monitor interface.
 class NullMonitor
          Null monitor, simply does nothing.
 class WriterMonitor
          Console monitor, logs everything to a PrintWriter.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.monitor that return DNotesMonitor
 DNotesMonitor MonitorEnabled.getMonitor()
          Returns the current monitor.
 DNotesMonitor AbstractMonitorEnabled.getMonitor()
          Returns the current monitor.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.monitor with parameters of type DNotesMonitor
 void MonitorEnabled.setMonitor(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Returns the current monitor.
 void AbstractMonitorEnabled.setMonitor(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Returns the current monitor.

Constructors in de.bea.domingo.monitor with parameters of type DNotesMonitor
AbstractMonitorEnabled(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)

Uses of DNotesMonitor in de.bea.domingo.notes

Methods in de.bea.domingo.notes that return DNotesMonitor
 DNotesMonitor DAgentBase.getMonitor()
          Returns the monitor of the current Domingo agent.

Uses of DNotesMonitor in de.bea.domingo.proxy

Methods in de.bea.domingo.proxy that return DNotesMonitor
 DNotesMonitor NotesProxyFactory.getMonitor()
          Get the current monitor.
protected  DNotesMonitor InternationalProxy.getMonitor()
          Get the current monitor.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.proxy with parameters of type DNotesMonitor
static DAgent AgentProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DatabaseProxy database, lotus.domino.Agent theAgent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static BaseDocumentProxy BaseDocumentProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Document document, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates or returns a cached implementation of the requested document interface.
static DxlExporterProxy DxlExporterProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.DxlExporter exporter, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates an encapsulated notes session object.
(package private) static DEmbeddedObject EmbeddedObjectProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.EmbeddedObject embeddedObject, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new DEmbeddedObject and enables logging.
(package private) static BaseItemProxy BaseItemProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Item item, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates or returns a cached implementation of the requested item interface.
static ViewEntryProxy ViewEntryProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.ViewEntry viewEntry, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates an encapsulated notes session object.
(package private) static FormProxy FormProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DDatabase database, lotus.domino.Form form, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Returns a form object.
(package private) static ViewProxy ViewProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DDatabase database, lotus.domino.View view, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Returns a view object.
(package private) static DDatabase DatabaseProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DSession session, lotus.domino.Database theDatabase, DNotesMonitor monitor, boolean forceOpen)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
(package private) static DLog LogProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DSession session, lotus.domino.Log theLog, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates an notes log.
(package private) static ViewColumnProxy ViewColumnProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DView view, lotus.domino.ViewColumn viewColumn, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Returns a view object.
static DSession SessionProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, lotus.domino.Session theSession, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates an encapsulated notes session object.
static DAgentContext AgentContextProxy.getInstance(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, SessionProxy session, lotus.domino.AgentContext theAgentContext, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Factory method for instances of this class.
 void NotesProxyFactory.setMonitor(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Set the monitor.
 void DNotesThread.setMonitor(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Set the monitor.

Constructors in de.bea.domingo.proxy with parameters of type DNotesMonitor
AgentProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, lotus.domino.Agent agent, DNotesMonitor monitor)
BaseCollectionProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, lotus.domino.Base object, DNotesMonitor monitor)
BaseDocumentProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Document document, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for DDocumentImpl.
BaseItemProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Item item, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for DItemImpl.
BaseProxy.DocumentCollectionIterator(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, lotus.domino.DocumentCollection theCollection, DNotesMonitor monitor)
BaseProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase theParent, lotus.domino.Base object, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new DBaseImpl object.
DocumentCollectionProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.DocumentCollection documentCollection, DNotesMonitor monitor)
DocumentProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Document theDocument, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for DDocumentImpl.
InternationalProxy(lotus.domino.Session theSession, DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
ItemProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Item theItem, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for DItemImpl.
NoRecycleStrategy(DNotesMonitor monitor)
ProfileDocumentProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.Document theDocument, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for DDocumentImpl.
RecycleStrategy(DNotesMonitor monitor)
RichTextItemProxy(NotesProxyFactory theFactory, DBase parent, lotus.domino.RichTextItem theRichTextItem, DNotesMonitor monitor)
          Constructor for DRichTextItemImpl.

Uses of DNotesMonitor in de.bea.domingo.queue

Constructors in de.bea.domingo.queue with parameters of type DNotesMonitor
MTQueue(java.lang.Object mutex, DNotesMonitor theMonitor)

Uses of DNotesMonitor in de.bea.domingo.service

Methods in de.bea.domingo.service that return DNotesMonitor
 DNotesMonitor NotesServiceFactory.getMonitor()
          Get the current monitor.

Methods in de.bea.domingo.service with parameters of type DNotesMonitor
 void NotesServiceFactory.setMonitor(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
          Set the monitor.

Uses of DNotesMonitor in de.bea.domingo.threadpool

Constructors in de.bea.domingo.threadpool with parameters of type DNotesMonitor
DefaultThreadFactory(DNotesMonitor theMonitor)
SimpleThreadPool(DNotesMonitor monitor)
SimpleThreadPool(DNotesMonitor monitor, int numberOfThreads)
SimpleThreadPool(DNotesMonitor monitor, int numberOfThreads, int threadPriority)
SimpleThreadPool(DNotesMonitor monitor, ThreadFactory threadFactory, int numberOfThreads)
SimpleThreadPool(DNotesMonitor theMonitor, ThreadFactory theThreadFactory, int theNumberOfThreads, int theThreadPriority)

Domingo Java-API